This work is not a complete family
genealogy. More correctly, it should be called a listing of
ancestors. The search was pursued to find out who my forebears were; to
learn what kind of people they were, ladies or shrews, gentlemen or
horse thieves; to trace the various lines to their countries of origin;
and to provide a record that may be of interest to some of my
descendants, and to other relatives.
This record of ancestors applies in its
entirety to all descendants of John W. Bollman; in part to all
other descendants from William Bollman; and in part to all other
descendants of Charles N. Mitchel. Although not complete as a family
genealogy, information is given so that any relative can work out
his own branch of the sturdy oak without too much difficulty.
Sources of information include Bible
records; church, state, and city vital statistics, births, marriages,
and deaths; cemetery burials; census, and other official micro-film
records; and a large number of books. A bibliography of the more
important books is included at the end of the work. Public libraries
where research was done include: Albany N. Y., Boston, Los Angeles,
Philadelphia, Santa Barbara, and Seattle. Los Angeles Temple, and
the Congressional libraries also were used to advantage. I am
particularly indebted to my Father and Mother for written
statements, given in 1918, telling what they remembered about their
families. My thanks to other relatives who were helpful. Apology is
offered for all errors due to carelessness; poor, lost, or burned
records; or to gremlins, poltergeists, and leprechauns.
Presented to provide our honorable
ancestors with a bit of immortality, for to be remembered is one form
of immortality.