Mitchel; from Saxon muchel, big; also from Hebrew Michael, Godlike.
Pierce: Hebrew, from Peter, the rock.
Root: the happy cheerful man.
Row: English, one who lived by the
hedge-row, or in rough country.
old French, a dispenser of provisions, a storekeeper.
Taylor: Eng.. occupational name, maker of outer clothing.
Turner: ditto a turner, or a lathe worker.
Wheeler: ditto maker of wheels, or of wheeled vehicles.
Tuttle: one who
lived on "toot-hill" — having a good view.
Hoffman: Teutonic, a man from the Court.
Meyer: Teutonic, a steward.
Edwards: a guardian, or defender of property.
Ellis: Eng. derivative from Elijah and Elisha.
Haynes: Cymric, he who helps himself.
Matthews: Hebrew, from Matthew, a gift of Jehovah.