6. JOHAN ADAM, b. 1699 in German Palatinate; sailed on ship "Loyal Judith" from Rotterdam; arrived Philadelphia Sept. 3, 1739; took oath of allegiance on that date; m. ca. 1722 Maria Catrina, who with five sons: Johan, Adam, Abraham, David, and Frederick, and probably some daughters, came with him to America. He settled in Berks co. Pa.
5. DAVID, b. ca. 1732 in Germany; to Pa. 1739; moved to Lancaster co, ante 1770; to Bedford co. with family by 1784; land owner and tax payer Bedford 1785; m. Anna, b. ca. 1737 in Germany, believed to be a dau. of Henry Klein; chd. of David included Abraham, John, Isaac, and Nicholas. Abe, John, and Isaac were farmers in Hopewell twp. Nicholas served in Pa. militia, and moved west. David d. at Bedford ante 1800.
4. Abraham, 1761-post 1830; b. Berks co. Pa. to Lancaster co. ante 1770; to Bedford co. 1784; m. Eva, b. ca. 1764, dau. Christian Hoffman; she d. ca. 1798, leaving Abe with 8 chd., 5 of whom were under 10 years old; sons were George, Henry, Thomas, and William; m. again, and by 1810 had four chd. under 10 years old, and in 1820 another four under 10, (probably our most prolific ancestor); sold farm in Bedford co., moved to Ohio 1828; farming in Wayne co. 1830. No further record of his exploits was discovered; presumed that he d. in Wayne co. in the 1830s.
3. William, 1796-1869; b. Bedford co. Pa. Indentured as a "Bound out boy" when two years of age; guardian believed to have been James Brown, described as a man of means, intelligence and influence, who emigrated to Zanesville, Ohio in 1802; built a cabin on the Wheeling road at Salt creek, and operated a tavern. Here William grew up without contact with his family except a visit by two brothers ca. 1810; well cared for by benefactor; good education by frontier standards; taught school; mined salt; settled on a farm near Duncan Falls, Ohio; moved to Iowa, 1855; m. 1824, Elizabeth Harden; nine chd. 68 g-chd. Interment Minert cemetery NE of Postville, Iowa. See Wm. Bollman family.
2. John Waxler, 1844-1923; b. on farm near Zanesville, Ohio; had little formal education due to illness as a child; with parents to Ia. 1855; moved to Minnesota 1874, to Oregon 1882, to Washington 1906; teamster, farmer, carpenter; m. 1869, Martha Mitchel, dau. Charles; 8 chd. see J. W. Bollman family. Interment in Mountain View Memorial Park Tacoma, Washington.
1. Dean Stanley, b. 1890, Elmira, Oreg. Moved to Seattle 1906, to Santa Barbara, Calif. 1963. B. A., M. A. Univ. of Wash. World War I veteran; teacher, Post Office employee, mountaineer, traveller; m. 1922, Marie Antoinette Michea; three chd., Victor, Dean, and Paul.
6. HENRY ADAM, b. ca. 1700 in German Palatinate; migrated to Pa. with family on "Loyal Judith" 1739; settled in Berks co. on Schuylkill river; land owner, as late as 1768; m. Esther in Germany.
5. ANNA, b. ca. 1735; with parents to'Pa. m. David Bollman s. of Johan. see Bollman 5.
6. JOHAN JORG, b. 1696 in Swiss Palatinate; on "Friendship" to Pa. 1717; settled on Chiques cr., Lancaster co. m. Mary in Switzerland.
5. Christian, b. ca. 1730, Lancaster co. with Washington in colonial militia at battle near Fort Duquense, 1755, when General Braddock was defeated, and mortally wounded; m. 1760 Catherine Hopff; several sons and daughters.
4. Eva Catherine, 1764-1798; b. Lancaster co. m. ca. 1784 Abraham Bollman. see Bollman 4.
6. ADAM, b. ca. 1712 in German Palatinate; from Darmstadt to Pa. on ship "Ranier" 1749, settled in Lancaster; m. Anna Catherine in Ger.
5. CATHERINE, b. ca 1737 in Germany; to Pa. 1749; m. Christian Hoffman; see Hoffman 5 above.
A philosopher once said that a miser would not be any fun to live with, but he might be a very wonderful ancestor.
September 1967
Fenton Ellsworth Bollmam, s. of Moses and gs. of William, was b. 1875, in an Ia. log cabin; H. S. graduate; attended Upper Ia. U. m. 1897, Jennie Robinson; to Cal. 1907; to Idaho, 1909; farmer, real-tor, auto dealer, and councilman at Caldwell. Hobbies: hunting and fishing; later years, a pursuit of art work, mostly in water color painting; mem. Art Assn., Boise. Congratulations! cousin.
Residence: 804 North Kimball Caldwell, Idaho 83605